blob: f1e31eb0aa4ad12e16d6ab564abfdeb7511c3312 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.MainDex;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader;
import java.util.Map;
* Java accessor for base/feature_list.h state.
public abstract class ChromeFeatureList {
/** Map that stores substitution feature flags for tests. */
private static Map<String, Boolean> sTestFeatures;
// Prevent instantiation.
private ChromeFeatureList() {}
* Sets the feature flags to use in JUnit tests, since native calls are not available there.
* Do not use directly, prefer using the {@link Features} annotation.
* @see Features
* @see Features.Processor
public static void setTestFeatures(Map<String, Boolean> features) {
sTestFeatures = features;
* @return Whether the native FeatureList has been initialized. If this method returns false,
* none of the methods in this class that require native access should be called (except
* in tests if test features have been set).
public static boolean isInitialized() {
if (sTestFeatures != null) return true;
if (!LibraryLoader.isInitialized()) return false;
// Even if the native library is loaded, the C++ FeatureList might not be initialized yet.
// In that case, accessing it will not immediately fail, but instead cause a crash later
// when it is initialized. Return whether the native FeatureList has been initialized,
// so the return value can be tested, or asserted for a more actionable stack trace
// on failure.
return nativeIsInitialized();
* Returns whether the specified feature is enabled or not.
* Note: Features queried through this API must be added to the array
* |kFeaturesExposedToJava| in chrome/browser/android/
* @param featureName The name of the feature to query.
* @return Whether the feature is enabled or not.
public static boolean isEnabled(String featureName) {
if (sTestFeatures != null) {
Boolean enabled = sTestFeatures.get(featureName);
if (enabled == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(featureName);
return enabled;
assert isInitialized();
return nativeIsEnabled(featureName);
* Returns a field trial param for the specified feature.
* Note: Features queried through this API must be added to the array
* |kFeaturesExposedToJava| in chrome/browser/android/
* @param featureName The name of the feature to retrieve a param for.
* @param paramName The name of the param for which to get as an integer.
* @return The parameter value as a String. The string is empty if the feature does not exist or
* the specified parameter does not exist.
public static String getFieldTrialParamByFeature(String featureName, String paramName) {
if (sTestFeatures != null) return "";
assert isInitialized();
return nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeature(featureName, paramName);
* Returns a field trial param as an int for the specified feature.
* Note: Features queried through this API must be added to the array
* |kFeaturesExposedToJava| in chrome/browser/android/
* @param featureName The name of the feature to retrieve a param for.
* @param paramName The name of the param for which to get as an integer.
* @param defaultValue The integer value to use if the param is not available.
* @return The parameter value as an int. Default value if the feature does not exist or the
* specified parameter does not exist or its string value does not represent an int.
public static int getFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
String featureName, String paramName, int defaultValue) {
if (sTestFeatures != null) return defaultValue;
assert isInitialized();
return nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(featureName, paramName, defaultValue);
* Returns a field trial param as a double for the specified feature.
* Note: Features queried through this API must be added to the array
* |kFeaturesExposedToJava| in chrome/browser/android/
* @param featureName The name of the feature to retrieve a param for.
* @param paramName The name of the param for which to get as an integer.
* @param defaultValue The double value to use if the param is not available.
* @return The parameter value as a double. Default value if the feature does not exist or the
* specified parameter does not exist or its string value does not represent a double.
public static double getFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsDouble(
String featureName, String paramName, double defaultValue) {
if (sTestFeatures != null) return defaultValue;
assert isInitialized();
return nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsDouble(featureName, paramName, defaultValue);
* Returns a field trial param as a boolean for the specified feature.
* Note: Features queried through this API must be added to the array
* |kFeaturesExposedToJava| in chrome/browser/android/
* @param featureName The name of the feature to retrieve a param for.
* @param paramName The name of the param for which to get as an integer.
* @param defaultValue The boolean value to use if the param is not available.
* @return The parameter value as a boolean. Default value if the feature does not exist or the
* specified parameter does not exist or its string value is neither "true" nor "false".
public static boolean getFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsBoolean(
String featureName, String paramName, boolean defaultValue) {
if (sTestFeatures != null) return defaultValue;
assert isInitialized();
return nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsBoolean(featureName, paramName, defaultValue);
// Alphabetical:
public static final String ADJUST_WEBAPK_INSTALLATION_SPACE = "AdjustWebApkInstallationSpace";
public static final String ALLOW_READER_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY = "AllowReaderForAccessibility";
public static final String ANDROID_PAY_INTEGRATION_V1 = "AndroidPayIntegrationV1";
public static final String ANDROID_PAY_INTEGRATION_V2 = "AndroidPayIntegrationV2";
public static final String ANDROID_PAYMENT_APPS = "AndroidPaymentApps";
public static final String AUTOFILL_SCAN_CARDHOLDER_NAME = "AutofillScanCardholderName";
public static final String CAF_MEDIA_ROUTER_IMPL = "CafMediaRouterImpl";
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CERTIFICATE_LIST = "CaptivePortalCertificateList";
public static final String CCT_BACKGROUND_TAB = "CCTBackgroundTab";
public static final String CCT_EXTERNAL_LINK_HANDLING = "CCTExternalLinkHandling";
public static final String CCT_PARALLEL_REQUEST = "CCTParallelRequest";
public static final String CCT_POST_MESSAGE_API = "CCTPostMessageAPI";
public static final String CCT_REDIRECT_PRECONNECT = "CCTRedirectPreconnect";
public static final String CHROME_DUPLEX = "ChromeDuplex";
// TODO(mdjones): Remove CHROME_HOME completely.
public static final String CHROME_HOME = "ChromeHome";
public static final String CHROME_HOME_MENU_ITEMS_EXPAND_SHEET =
public static final String CHROME_HOME_PERSISTENT_IPH = "ChromeHomePersistentIph";
public static final String CHROME_HOME_PULL_TO_REFRESH_IPH_AT_TOP =
public static final String CHROME_HOME_SURVEY = "ChromeHomeSurvey";
public static final String CHROME_HOME_SWIPE_VELOCITY_FEATURE = "ChromeHomeSwipeLogicVelocity";
public static final String CHROME_MEMEX = "ChromeMemex";
public static final String CHROME_MODERN_DESIGN = "ChromeModernDesign";
public static final String CHROME_SMART_SELECTION = "ChromeSmartSelection";
public static final String CLEAR_OLD_BROWSING_DATA = "ClearOldBrowsingData";
public static final String CLIPBOARD_CONTENT_SETTING = "ClipboardContentSetting";
public static final String COMMAND_LINE_ON_NON_ROOTED = "CommandLineOnNonRooted";
public static final String CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS_SCROLL_TO_LOAD =
public static final String CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS_SETTINGS = "ContentSuggestionsSettings";
public static final String CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_SECOND_TAP = "ContextualSearchSecondTap";
public static final String CUSTOM_CONTEXT_MENU = "CustomContextMenu";
public static final String CUSTOM_FEEDBACK_UI = "CustomFeedbackUi";
// Enables the Data Reduction Proxy menu item in the main menu rather than under Settings on
// Android.
public static final String DATA_REDUCTION_MAIN_MENU = "DataReductionProxyMainMenu";
public static final String DONT_PREFETCH_LIBRARIES = "DontPrefetchLibraries";
public static final String DOWNLOAD_HOME_SHOW_STORAGE_INFO = "DownloadHomeShowStorageInfo";
public static final String DOWNLOADS_FOREGROUND = "DownloadsForeground";
public static final String DOWNLOADS_LOCATION_CHANGE = "DownloadsLocationChange";
public static final String EXPERIMENTAL_APP_BANNERS = "ExperimentalAppBanners";
// When enabled, fullscreen WebContents will be moved to a new Activity. Coming soon...
public static final String FULLSCREEN_ACTIVITY = "FullscreenActivity";
public static final String GRANT_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_DSE = "GrantNotificationsToDSE";
public static final String HOME_PAGE_BUTTON_FORCE_ENABLED = "HomePageButtonForceEnabled";
// Whether we show an important sites dialog in the "Clear Browsing Data" flow.
public static final String IMPORTANT_SITES_IN_CBD = "ImportantSitesInCBD";
public static final String INTEREST_FEED_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS = "InterestFeedContentSuggestions";
public static final String LANGUAGES_PREFERENCE = "LanguagesPreference";
public static final String SEARCH_ENGINE_PROMO_EXISTING_DEVICE =
public static final String SEARCH_ENGINE_PROMO_NEW_DEVICE = "SearchEnginePromo.NewDevice";
public static final String MATERIAL_DESIGN_INCOGNITO_NTP = "MaterialDesignIncognitoNTP";
public static final String MODAL_PERMISSION_PROMPTS = "ModalPermissionPrompts";
public static final String MODAL_PERMISSION_DIALOG_VIEW = "ModalPermissionDialogView";
public static final String NEW_PHOTO_PICKER = "NewPhotoPicker";
public static final String NO_CREDIT_CARD_ABORT = "NoCreditCardAbort";
public static final String NTP_CONDENSED_LAYOUT = "NTPCondensedLayout";
public static final String NTP_CONDENSED_TILE_LAYOUT = "NTPCondensedTileLayout";
public static final String NTP_FOREIGN_SESSIONS_SUGGESTIONS = "NTPForeignSessionsSuggestions";
public static final String NTP_LAUNCH_AFTER_INACTIVITY = "NTPLaunchAfterInactivity";
public static final String NTP_MODERN_LAYOUT = "NTPModernLayout";
public static final String NTP_SHORTCUTS = "NTPShortcuts";
public static final String NTP_SHOW_GOOGLE_G_IN_OMNIBOX = "NTPShowGoogleGInOmnibox";
public static final String NTP_SNIPPETS_INCREASED_VISIBILITY = "NTPSnippetsIncreasedVisibility";
public static final String OMNIBOX_SPARE_RENDERER = "OmniboxSpareRenderer";
public static final String OMNIBOX_VOICE_SEARCH_ALWAYS_VISIBLE =
public static final String PAY_WITH_GOOGLE_V1 = "PayWithGoogleV1";
public static final String PASSWORD_SEARCH = "PasswordSearchMobile";
public static final String PERMISSION_DELEGATION = "PermissionDelegation";
public static final String PROGRESS_BAR_THROTTLE = "ProgressBarThrottle";
public static final String PWA_PERSISTENT_NOTIFICATION = "PwaPersistentNotification";
public static final String READER_MODE_IN_CCT = "ReaderModeInCCT";
public static final String REMOVE_NAVIGATION_HISTORY = "RemoveNavigationHistory";
public static final String SERVICE_WORKER_PAYMENT_APPS = "ServiceWorkerPaymentApps";
public static final String SITE_NOTIFICATION_CHANNELS = "SiteNotificationChannels";
public static final String SOLE_INTEGRATION = "SoleIntegration";
public static final String SOUND_CONTENT_SETTING = "SoundContentSetting";
public static final String SPANNABLE_INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE = "SpannableInlineAutocomplete";
public static final String QUERY_IN_OMNIBOX = "QueryInOmnibox";
public static final String TAB_REPARENTING = "TabReparenting";
public static final String TRUSTED_WEB_ACTIVITY = "TrustedWebActivity";
public static final String VIDEO_PERSISTENCE = "VideoPersistence";
public static final String UNIFIED_CONSENT = "UnifiedConsent";
public static final String VR_BROWSING_FEEDBACK = "VrBrowsingFeedback";
public static final String VR_BROWSING_IN_CUSTOM_TAB = "VrBrowsingInCustomTab";
public static final String VR_BROWSING_NATIVE_ANDROID_UI = "VrBrowsingNativeAndroidUi";
public static final String VR_ICON_IN_DAYDREAM_HOME = "VrIconInDaydreamHome";
public static final String WEB_PAYMENTS = "WebPayments";
public static final String WEB_PAYMENTS_METHOD_SECTION_ORDER_V2 =
public static final String WEB_PAYMENTS_MODIFIERS = "WebPaymentsModifiers";
public static final String WEB_PAYMENTS_SINGLE_APP_UI_SKIP = "WebPaymentsSingleAppUiSkip";
public static final String WEBVR_AUTOPRESENT_FROM_INTENT = "WebVrAutopresentFromIntent";
public static final String WEBVR_CARDBOARD_SUPPORT = "WebVrCardboardSupport";
private static native boolean nativeIsInitialized();
private static native boolean nativeIsEnabled(String featureName);
private static native String nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeature(
String featureName, String paramName);
private static native int nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
String featureName, String paramName, int defaultValue);
private static native double nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsDouble(
String featureName, String paramName, double defaultValue);
private static native boolean nativeGetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsBoolean(
String featureName, String paramName, boolean defaultValue);