blob: 1ed824215c32d53a1a703599319912f8e3440a9a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# The paths in this file are absolute since this file is imported and the
# file lists must be valid from multple "current directories".
bindings_modules_output_dir = "$bindings_output_dir/modules"
blink_modules_output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/blink/modules"
modules_core_global_constructors_original_interfaces = [
# The size and the order in the following list must match to the previous one.
modules_core_global_constructors_original_interface_basenames = [
modules_global_constructors_original_interfaces = [
# The size and the order in the following list must match to the previous one.
modules_global_constructors_original_interface_basenames = [
# The interfaces aren't technically files, but we can treat them as file names
# to get process_file_template to generate lists of IDL files corresponding
# to each interface.
modules_core_global_constructors_generated_idl_files = process_file_template(
[ "$blink_modules_output_dir/{{source_name_part}}_core_constructors.idl" ])
modules_global_constructors_generated_idl_files = process_file_template(
[ "$blink_modules_output_dir/{{source_name_part}}_modules_constructors.idl" ])
modules_idl_files =
modules_callback_function_idl_files =
get_path_info([ "vr/latest/VRFrameRequestCallback.idl" ], "abspath")
modules_dictionary_idl_files =
# 'partial interface' or target (right side of) 'implements'
modules_dependency_idl_files =
modules_testing_dependency_idl_files =
modules_definition_idl_files = modules_dictionary_idl_files + modules_idl_files
# Static IDL files
modules_static_interface_idl_files = modules_callback_function_idl_files
modules_static_dependency_idl_files =
modules_dependency_idl_files + modules_testing_dependency_idl_files
modules_generated_dependency_idl_files =
modules_core_global_constructors_generated_idl_files +
# 'modules_dependency_idl_files' is already used in Source/modules, so avoid
# collision
modules_all_dependency_idl_files =
modules_static_dependency_idl_files + modules_generated_dependency_idl_files