blob: f6a8e86378d54de1f21ef8374d1b597c210d42f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGLineBuilder_h
#define NGLineBuilder_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_logical_offset.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_opportunity_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_fragment.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontBaseline.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class FontMetrics;
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGInlineNode;
class NGLayoutInlineItem;
// NGLineBuilder creates the fragment tree for a line.
// NGLineBuilder manages the current line as a range, |start| and |end|.
// |end| can be extended multiple times before creating a line, usually until
// |!CanFitOnLine()|.
// |SetBreakOpportunity| can mark the last confirmed offset that can fit.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLineBuilder final {
NGLineBuilder(NGInlineNode*, NGConstraintSpace*);
const NGConstraintSpace& ConstraintSpace() const {
return *constraint_space_;
LayoutUnit MaxInlineSize() const { return max_inline_size_; }
// Returns if the current items fit on a line.
bool CanFitOnLine() const;
// Returns if there were any items.
bool HasItems() const;
// Set the start offset.
// Set the end as well, and therefore empties the current line.
void SetStart(unsigned index, unsigned offset);
// Set the end offset.
void SetEnd(unsigned end_offset);
// Set the end offset if caller knows the inline size since the current end.
void SetEnd(unsigned index,
unsigned end_offset,
LayoutUnit inline_size_since_current_end);
// Create a line up to the end offset.
// Then set the start to the end offset, and thus empty the current line.
void CreateLine();
// Returns if a break opportunity was set on the current line.
bool HasBreakOpportunity() const;
// Returns if there were items after the last break opportunity.
bool HasItemsAfterLastBreakOpportunity() const;
// Set the break opportunity at the current end offset.
void SetBreakOpportunity();
// Create a line up to the last break opportunity.
// Items after that are sent to the next line.
void CreateLineUpToLastBreakOpportunity();
// Set the start offset of hangables; e.g., spaces or hanging punctuations.
// Hangable characters can go beyond the right margin, and are ignored for
// center/right alignment.
void SetStartOfHangables(unsigned offset);
// Create fragments for all lines created so far.
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> CreateFragments();
// Copy fragment data of all lines created by this NGLineBuilder to
// LayoutBlockFlow.
// This must run after |CreateFragments()|, and after the fragments it created
// are placed.
void CopyFragmentDataToLayoutBlockFlow();
// Compute inline size of an NGLayoutInlineItem.
// Same as NGLayoutInlineItem::InlineSize(), except that this function can
// compute atomic inlines by performing layout.
LayoutUnit InlineSize(const NGLayoutInlineItem&);
bool IsHorizontalWritingMode() const { return is_horizontal_writing_mode_; }
LayoutUnit InlineSize(const NGLayoutInlineItem&,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset);
LayoutUnit InlineSizeFromLayout(const NGLayoutInlineItem&);
const NGLayoutResult* LayoutItem(const NGLayoutInlineItem&);
struct LineItemChunk {
unsigned index;
unsigned start_offset;
unsigned end_offset;
LayoutUnit inline_size;
void BidiReorder(Vector<LineItemChunk, 32>*);
// Lays out the inline float.
// List of actions:
// - tries to position the float right away if we have enough space.
// - updates the current_opportunity if we actually place the float.
// - if it's too wide then we add the float to the unpositioned list so it can
// be positioned after we're done with the current line.
void LayoutAndPositionFloat(LayoutUnit end_position, LayoutObject*);
// Represents block-direction metrics for an |NGLayoutInlineItem|.
struct InlineItemMetrics {
float ascent;
float descent;
float ascent_and_leading;
float descent_and_leading;
// Use the leading from the 'line-height' property, or the font metrics of
// the primary font if 'line-height: normal'.
InlineItemMetrics(const ComputedStyle&, FontBaseline);
// Use the leading from the font metrics.
InlineItemMetrics(const FontMetrics&, FontBaseline);
void Initialize(const FontMetrics&, FontBaseline, float line_height);
// LineBoxData is a set of data for a line box that are computed in early
// phases, such as in |CreateLine()|, and will be used in later phases.
// TODO(kojii): Not sure if all these data are needed in fragment tree. If
// they are, we can create a linebox fragment, store them there, and this
// isn't needed. For now, we're trying to minimize data in fragments.
struct LineBoxData {
unsigned fragment_end;
LayoutUnit inline_size;
LayoutUnit top_with_leading;
float max_ascent = 0;
float max_descent = 0;
float max_ascent_and_leading = 0;
float max_descent_and_leading = 0;
// Include |InlineItemMetrics| into the metrics for this line box.
void UpdateMaxAscentAndDescent(const InlineItemMetrics&);
void PlaceItems(const Vector<LineItemChunk, 32>&);
void AccumulateUsedFonts(const NGLayoutInlineItem&,
const LineItemChunk&,
LayoutUnit PlaceAtomicInline(const NGLayoutInlineItem&,
LayoutUnit estimated_baseline,
// Finds the next layout opportunity for the next text fragment.
void FindNextLayoutOpportunity();
Persistent<NGInlineNode> inline_box_;
NGConstraintSpace* constraint_space_; // Not owned as STACK_ALLOCATED.
Vector<RefPtr<NGLayoutResult>, 32> layout_results_;
Vector<LineBoxData, 32> line_box_data_list_;
unsigned start_index_ = 0;
unsigned start_offset_ = 0;
unsigned last_index_ = 0;
unsigned end_offset_ = 0;
unsigned last_break_opportunity_index_ = 0;
unsigned last_break_opportunity_offset_ = 0;
LayoutUnit end_position_;
LayoutUnit last_break_opportunity_position_;
LayoutUnit content_size_;
LayoutUnit max_inline_size_;
NGFragmentBuilder container_builder_;
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> container_layout_result_;
FontBaseline baseline_type_ = FontBaseline::AlphabeticBaseline;
NGLogicalOffset bfc_offset_;
NGLogicalRect current_opportunity_;
unsigned is_horizontal_writing_mode_ : 1;
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder space_builder_;
unsigned is_bidi_reordered_ : 1;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGLineBuilder_h