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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Elements: Create an element when definition is non-null and synchronous flag set</title>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/custom-elements-helpers.js"></script>
'use strict';
// 1. If localName does not match the Name production, then throw an InvalidCharacterError
// 2. If context object is an HTML document, let localName be converted to ASCII lowercase
// 5. If 'is' is non-null and definition is null, then throw a NotFoundError
// 6. If 'is' is non-null, then set is attribute to 'is'
// 4. If 'is' is non-null and definition is null, then throw a NotFoundError
// Different from createElement: localName is not converted to ASCII lowercase
function setup(w) {
class A extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() {
w.customElements.define('a-a', A);
class B extends w.HTMLDivElement {
constructor() {
w.customElements.define('b-b', B, {extends: 'div'});
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'InvalidCharacterError', () => {
}, 'createElement 1. If localName does not match the Name production, then throw an InvalidCharacterError');
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_not_equals(w.document.createElement('A-a').constructor, w.HTMLElement);
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElement('div', {is: 'b-B'});
}, 'The \'is\' option should not be converted to ASCII lowercase');
}, 'createElement 2. If context object is an HTML document, let localName be converted to ASCII lowercase');
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElement('div', {is: 'a-a'});
}, 'Custom element definition named \'a-a\' is not a customized built-in element');
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElement('button', {is: 'b-b'});
}, 'Custom element definition named \'b-b\' is not an HTMLButtonElement');
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElement('button', {id: 'b-b'});
}, 'An \'is\' attribute is needed to create a customized built-in element');
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElement('div', {is: ''});
}, 'There is no custom element definition named with an empty string');
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElement('div', {});
}, 'There is no custom element definition named with null');
}, 'createElement 5. If \'is\' is non-null and definition is null, then throw a NotFoundError');
test_with_window((w) => {
let a = w.document.createElement('a-a');
let b = w.document.createElement('div', {is : 'b-b'});
assert_equals(a.getAttribute('is'), null);
assert_equals(b.getAttribute('is'), 'b-b');
}, 'createElement 6. If \'is\' is non-null, then set is-attribute to \'is\'');
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_equals(w.document.createElementNS('', 'a-A').constructor, w.HTMLElement);
assert_throws_dom_exception(w, 'NotFoundError', () => {
w.document.createElementNS('', 'dIv', {is: 'b-b'});
}, 'createElementNS 4. If \'is\' is non-null and definition is null, then throw a NotFoundError');