blob: 0427a3aee512ae3884b722ec5c12924a00d0eec0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Prepares the photo editor.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function setupPhotoEditor(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
// Lauch the gallery.
var launchedPromise = launch(
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
var appId = args.appId;
// Show the slide image.
var slideImagePromise = gallery.waitForSlideImage(
'My Desktop Background');
// Lauch the photo editor.
var photoEditorPromise = slideImagePromise.then(function() {
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.edit');
return photoEditorPromise.then(function() {
return args;
* Tests to rotate an image.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function rotateImage(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = setupPhotoEditor(testVolumeName, volumeType);
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
var appId = args.appId;
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(
appId, '.gallery:not([locked]) button.rotate_right').then(function() {
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(
'My Desktop Background');
then(function() {
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(
appId, '.gallery:not([locked]) button.rotate_left');
then(function() {
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(
'My Desktop Background');
* Tests to crop an image and undoes it.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function cropImage(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = setupPhotoEditor(testVolumeName, volumeType);
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
var appId = args.appId;
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId,
'.gallery:not([locked]) button.crop').
then(function() {
return Promise.all([
gallery.waitForElement(appId, '.crop-overlay')
then(function() {
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(
appId, 'body', 'Enter', 'Enter', false, false, false);
then(function(ret) {
return Promise.all([
gallery.waitForElementLost(appId, '.crop-overlay')
then(function() {
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(
'My Desktop Background');
then(function() {
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(
appId, '.gallery:not([locked]) button.undo');
then(function() {
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(
'My Desktop Background');
* Tests to exposure an image.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function exposureImage(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = setupPhotoEditor(testVolumeName, volumeType);
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
var appId = args.appId;
var url = args.urls[0];
var buttonQuery = '.gallery:not([locked]) button.exposure';
var origMetadata = null;
// Click the exposure button.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, buttonQuery).then(function() {
// Wait until the edit controls appear.
return Promise.all([
gallery.waitForElement(appId, '.brightness > paper-slider'),
gallery.waitForElement(appId, '.contrast > paper-slider'),
}).then(function() {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil(
'changeValue', appId, ['.brightness > paper-slider', 20]);
}).then(function() {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil(
'changeValue', appId, ['.contrast > paper-slider', -20]);
}).then(function() {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('getMetadata', null, [url]);
}).then(function(metadata) {
origMetadata = metadata;
// Push the Enter key.
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(appId, 'body', 'Enter', 'Enter', false, false,
}).then(function() {
// Wait until the image is updated.
return repeatUntil(function() {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('getMetadata', null, [url])
.then(function(metadata) {
if (origMetadata.modificationTime != metadata.modificationTime) {
return true;
} else {
return pending(
'%s is not updated. ' +
'First last modified: %s, Second last modified: %s.',
* Tests whether overwrite original checkbox is enabled or disabled properly.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckbox(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var appId;
var launchedPromise = setupPhotoEditor(testVolumeName, volumeType);
return launchedPromise.then(function(result) {
appId = result.appId;
// Confirm overwrite original checkbox is enabled and checked.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId,
}).then(function() {
// Uncheck overwrite original.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.overwrite-original');
}).then(function() {
// Rotate image.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.rotate_right');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm that edited image has been saved.
return gallery.waitForAFile(volumeType,
'My Desktop Background - Edited.png');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm overwrite original checkbox is disabled and not checked.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId,
}).then(function() {
// Go back to the slide mode.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.edit');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm current image is My Desktop Background - Edited.png.
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 600, 800,
'My Desktop Background - Edited');
}).then(function() {
// Move to My Desktop Background.png. Switching to other image is required
// to end edit session of the edited image.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.arrow.right');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm current image has changed to another image.
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
}).then(function() {
// Back to the edited image.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.arrow.left');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm current image is switched to My Desktop Background - Edited.png.
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 600, 800,
'My Desktop Background - Edited');
}).then(function() {
// Click edit button again.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.edit');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm overwrite original checkbox is enabled and not checked.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId,
* The rotateImage test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.rotateImageOnDownloads = function() {
return rotateImage('local', 'downloads');
* The rotateImage test for Google Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.rotateImageOnDrive = function() {
return rotateImage('drive', 'drive');
* The cropImage test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.cropImageOnDownloads = function() {
return cropImage('local', 'downloads');
* The cropImage test for Google Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.cropImageOnDrive = function() {
return cropImage('drive', 'drive');
* The exposureImage test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.exposureImageOnDownloads = function() {
return exposureImage('local', 'downloads');
* The exposureImage test for Google Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.exposureImageOnDrive = function() {
return exposureImage('drive', 'drive');
* The enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckbox test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckboxOnDownloads = function() {
return enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckbox('local', 'downloads');
* The enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckbox test for Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckboxOnDrive = function() {
return enableDisableOverwriteOriginalCheckbox('drive', 'drive');