blob: 6c5b849c630d955be63d65f7fec17c361c849034 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Additional test image entry.
ENTRIES.image4 = new TestEntryInfo(
EntryType.FILE, 'image3.jpg', 'image4.jpg',
'image/jpeg', SharedOption.NONE, 'Jan 18, 2038, 1:02 AM',
'image3.jpg', '3 KB', 'JPEG image');
* Renames an image in thumbnail mode and confirms that thumbnail of renamed
* image is successfully updated.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function renameImageInThumbnailMode(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = launch(testVolumeName, volumeType,
[ENTRIES.desktop, ENTRIES.image3], [ENTRIES.desktop]);
var appId;
return launchedPromise.then(function(result) {
// Confirm initial state after the launch.
appId = result.appId;
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
}).then(function() {
// Goes to thumbnail mode.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.mode');
}).then(function() {
return gallery.selectImageInThumbnailMode(appId, 'image3.jpg');
}).then(function(result) {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('changeName', appId, ['New Image Name']);
}).then(function() {
// Assert that rename had done successfully.
return gallery.waitForAFile(volumeType, 'New Image Name.jpg');
}).then(function() {
return gallery.selectImageInThumbnailMode(
appId, 'My Desktop Background.png');
}).then(function(result) {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(result) {
// Only My Desktop Background.png is selected.
chrome.test.assertEq(1, result.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('My Desktop Background.png',
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li:not(.selected)']);
}).then(function(result) {
// Confirm that thumbnail of renamed image has updated.
chrome.test.assertEq(1, result.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('New Image Name.jpg',
* Delete all images in thumbnail mode and confirm that no-images error banner
* is shown.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @param {string} operation How the test do delete operation.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function deleteAllImagesInThumbnailMode(testVolumeName, volumeType, operation) {
var launchedPromise = launch(testVolumeName, volumeType,
[ENTRIES.desktop, ENTRIES.image3]);
var appId;
return launchedPromise.then(function(result) {
appId = result.appId;
// Wait until current mode is set to thumbnail mode.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId, '.gallery[mode="thumbnail"]');
}).then(function() {
switch (operation) {
case 'mouse':
// Click delete button.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.delete');
case 'enter-key':
// Press enter key on delete button.
return gallery.waitForElement(
appId, 'button.delete').then(function() {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil(
'focus', appId, ['button.delete']);
}).then(function() {
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeKeyDown', appId,
['button.delete', 'Enter', 'Enter', false, false, false]);
}).then(function() {
// When user has pressed enter key on button, click event is
// dispatched after keydown event.
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeEvent', appId, ['button.delete', 'click']);
case 'delete-key':
// Press delete key.
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeKeyDown', appId,
['body', 'Delete', 'U+007F' /* Delete */, false, false, false]);
}).then(function(result) {
// Wait and click delete button of confirmation dialog.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.cr-dialog-ok');
}).then(function(result) {
// Wait until error banner is shown.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId, '.gallery[error] .error-banner');
* Clicks an empty space in thumbnail view and confirms that current selection
* is unselected.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function emptySpaceClickUnselectsInThumbnailMode(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = launch(testVolumeName, volumeType,
[ENTRIES.desktop, ENTRIES.image3], [ENTRIES.desktop]);
var appId;
return launchedPromise.then(function(result) {
// Confirm initial state after the launch.
appId = result.appId;
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
}).then(function(result) {
// Switch to thumbnail mode.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.mode');
}).then(function(result) {
// Confirm My Desktop Background.png is selected in thumbnail view.
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(1, results.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('My Desktop Background.png',
// Click empty space of thumbnail view.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.thumbnail-view > ul');
}).then(function(result) {
// Confirm no image is selected.
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(0, results.length);
// Confirm delete button is disabled.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId, 'button.delete[disabled]');
}).then(function(result) {
// Confirm slideshow button is disabled.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId, 'button.slideshow[disabled]');
}).then(function() {
// Switch back to slide mode by clicking mode button.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.mode:not([disabled])');
}).then(function(result) {
// First image in the image set (image3) should be shown.
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 640, 480, 'image3');
* Selects multiple images with shift key.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function selectMultipleImagesWithShiftKey(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = launch(testVolumeName, volumeType,
[ENTRIES.image3, ENTRIES.image4, ENTRIES.desktop], [ENTRIES.image3]);
var appId;
return launchedPromise.then(function(result) {
// Confirm initial state after the launch.
appId = result.appId;
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 640, 480, 'image3');
}).then(function() {
// Swith to thumbnail mode.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.mode');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm that image3 is selected first: [1] 2 3
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(1, results.length);
// Press Right key with shift.
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(
appId, '.thumbnail-view', 'ArrowRight', 'Right', false,
true /* Shift */, false);
}).then(function() {
// Confirm 2 images are selected: [1][2] 3
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(2, results.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('image3.jpg', results[0].attributes['title']);
chrome.test.assertEq('image4.jpg', results[1].attributes['title']);
// Press Right key with shift.
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(
appId, '.thumbnail-view', 'ArrowRight', 'Right', false,
true /* Shift */, false);
}).then(function() {
// Confirm 3 images are selected: [1][2][3]
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(3, results.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('image3.jpg', results[0].attributes['title']);
chrome.test.assertEq('image4.jpg', results[1].attributes['title']);
chrome.test.assertEq('My Desktop Background.png',
// Press Left key with shift.
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(
appId, '.thumbnail-view', 'ArrowLeft', 'Left', false,
true /* Shift */, false);
}).then(function() {
// Confirm 2 images are selected: [1][2] 3
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(2, results.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('image3.jpg', results[0].attributes['title']);
chrome.test.assertEq('image4.jpg', results[1].attributes['title']);
// Press Right key without shift.
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(
appId, '.thumbnail-view', 'ArrowRight', 'Right', false,
false, false);
}).then(function() {
// Confirm only the last image is selected: 1 2 [3]
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(1, results.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('My Desktop Background.png',
* Selects all images in thumbnail mode after deleted an image in slide mode.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function selectAllImagesAfterImageDeletionOnDownloads(
testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = launch(testVolumeName, volumeType,
[ENTRIES.image3, ENTRIES.image4, ENTRIES.desktop], [ENTRIES.image3]);
var appId;
return launchedPromise.then(function(result) {
appId = result.appId;
// Confirm initial state after launch.
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 640, 480, 'image3');
}).then(function() {
// Delete an image.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.delete');
}).then(function() {
// Press OK button in confirmation dialog.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, '.cr-dialog-ok');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm the state after the image is deleted.
return gallery.waitForSlideImage(appId, 640, 480, 'image4');
}).then(function() {
// Press thumbnail mode button.
return gallery.waitAndClickElement(appId, 'button.mode');
}).then(function() {
// Confirm mode has been changed to thumbnail mode.
return gallery.waitForElement(appId, '.gallery[mode="thumbnail"]');
}).then(function() {
// Press Ctrl+A to select all images.
return gallery.fakeKeyDown(appId, '.thumbnail-view',
'a', 'U+0041' /* A */, true /* Ctrl*/, false /* Shift */,
false /* Alt */);
}).then(function() {
// Confirm that 2 images are selected.
return gallery.callRemoteTestUtil('queryAllElements', appId,
['.thumbnail-view > ul > li.selected']);
}).then(function(results) {
chrome.test.assertEq(2, results.length);
* Rename test in thumbnail mode for Downloads.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.renameImageInThumbnailModeOnDownloads = function() {
return renameImageInThumbnailMode('local', 'downloads');
* Rename test in thumbnail mode for Drive.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.renameImageInThumbnailModeOnDrive = function() {
return renameImageInThumbnailMode('drive', 'drive');
* Delete all images test in thumbnail mode for Downloads.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.deleteAllImagesInThumbnailModeOnDownloads = function() {
return deleteAllImagesInThumbnailMode('local', 'downloads', 'mouse');
* Delete all images test in thumbnail mode for Drive.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.deleteAllImagesInThumbnailModeOnDrive = function() {
return deleteAllImagesInThumbnailMode('drive', 'drive', 'mouse');
* Delete all images test in thumbnail mode by pressing Enter key on Delete
* button.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.deleteAllImagesInThumbnailModeWithEnterKey = function() {
return deleteAllImagesInThumbnailMode('local', 'downloads', 'enter-key');
* Delete all images test in thumbnail mode with Delete key.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.deleteAllImagesInThumbnailModeWithDeleteKey = function() {
return deleteAllImagesInThumbnailMode('local', 'downloads', 'delete-key');
* Empty space click unselects current selection in thumbnail mode for
* Downloads.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.emptySpaceClickUnselectsInThumbnailModeOnDownloads = function() {
return emptySpaceClickUnselectsInThumbnailMode('local', 'downloads');
* Empty space click unselects current selection in thumbnail mode for Drive.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.emptySpaceClickUnselectsInThumbnailModeOnDrive = function() {
return emptySpaceClickUnselectsInThumbnailMode('drive', 'drive');
* Selects multiple images with shift key in Downloads.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.selectMultipleImagesWithShiftKeyOnDownloads = function() {
return selectMultipleImagesWithShiftKey('local', 'downloads');
* Selects all images in thumbnail mode after deleted an image in slide mode.
* @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
testcase.selectAllImagesAfterImageDeletionOnDownloads = function() {
return selectAllImagesAfterImageDeletionOnDownloads('local', 'downloads');