Updating clang

  1. Sync your Chromium tree to the latest revision to pick up any plugin changes

  2. Run python tools/clang/scripts/upload_revision.py NNNN with the target LLVM SVN revision number. This creates a roll CL on a new branch, uploads it and starts tryjobs that build the compiler binaries into a staging bucket on Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

  3. If the clang upload try bots succeed, copy the binaries from the staging bucket to the production one. For example:

    $ export rev=123456-1
    $ for x in Linux_x64 Mac Win ; do \
        gsutil.py cp -n -a public-read gs://chromium-browser-clang-staging/$x/clang-$rev.tgz \
            gs://chromium-browser-clang/$x/clang-$rev.tgz ; \
        gsutil.py cp -n -a public-read gs://chromium-browser-clang-staging/$x/llvmobjdump-$rev.tgz \
            gs://chromium-browser-clang/$x/llvmobjdump-$rev.tgz ; \
        gsutil.py cp -n -a public-read gs://chromium-browser-clang-staging/$x/llvmcfiverify-$rev.tgz \
            gs://chromium-browser-clang/$x/llvmcfiverify-$rev.tgz ; \
        gsutil.py cp -n -a public-read gs://chromium-browser-clang-staging/$x/translation_unit-$rev.tgz \
            gs://chromium-browser-clang/$x/translation_unit-$rev.tgz ; \
        gsutil.py cp -n -a public-read gs://chromium-browser-clang-staging/$x/llvm-code-coverage-$rev.tgz \
            gs://chromium-browser-clang/$x/llvm-code-coverage-$rev.tgz ; \
    $ gsutil.py cp -n -a public-read gs://chromium-browser-clang-staging/Mac/lld-$rev.tgz \
  4. Run the goma package update script to push these packages to goma. If you do not have the necessary credentials to do the upload, ask clang@chromium.org to find someone who does

  5. Run an exhaustive set of try jobs to test the new compiler:

    git cl try &&
    git cl try -m tryserver.chromium.mac -b mac_chromium_asan_rel_ng &&
    git cl try -B luci.chromium.try -b ios-device &&
    git cl try -m tryserver.chromium.linux \
      -b linux_chromium_chromeos_asan_rel_ng -b linux_chromium_msan_rel_ng \
      -b linux_chromium_cfi_rel_ng &&
    git cl try -m tryserver.blink -b linux_trusty_blink_rel &&
    git cl try -m luci.chromium.try -b linux-chromeos-dbg
  6. Start Pinpoint perf tryjobs. These are generally too noisy to catch minor regressions pre-commit, but make sure there are no large regressions.

    a. (Log in to store OAuth2 token in the depot_tools cache. Only needs to be run once:)

    $ PYTHONPATH=$(dirname $(which git-cl)) python -c"import auth;auth.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID='62121018386-h08uiaftreu4dr3c4alh3l7mogskvb7i.apps.googleusercontent.com';auth.OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET='vc1fZfV1cZC6mgDSHV-KSPOz';print auth.get_authenticator_for_host('pinpoint',auth.make_auth_config()).login()"

    a. Generate a fresh Oath2 token:

    $ TOKEN=$(PYTHONPATH=$(dirname $(which git-cl)) python -c"import auth;print auth.get_authenticator_for_host('pinpoint',auth.make_auth_config()).get_access_token().token")

    a. Launch Pinpoint job:

    $ curl -H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -F configuration=chromium-rel-win7-gpu-nvidia \
        -F target=telemetry_perf_tests -F benchmark=speedometer2 \
        -F patch=https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/$(git cl issue | cut -d' ' -f3) \
        -F start_git_hash=HEAD -F end_git_hash=HEAD https://pinpoint-dot-chromeperf.appspot.com/api/new

    a. Use the URL returned by the command above to see the progress and result of the tryjob, checking that it doesn't regress significantly (> 10%). Post the URL to the codereview.

  7. Commit roll CL from the first step

  8. The bots will now pull the prebuilt binary, and goma will have a matching binary, too.