blob: 7135f6e61fda2f3f47ddd673b465cdfc0c14b7b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Apple Inc. All
* rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef ContainerNode_h
#define ContainerNode_h
#include "bindings/core/v8/ExceptionState.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptWrappableVisitor.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/dom/Node.h"
#include "core/html/CollectionType.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFocusType.h"
namespace blink {
class ClassCollection;
class ExceptionState;
class FloatPoint;
class HTMLCollection;
class NameNodeList;
using StaticElementList = StaticNodeTypeList<Element>;
class RadioNodeList;
class TagCollection;
enum DynamicRestyleFlags {
kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocus = 1 << 0,
kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByHover = 1 << 1,
kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByActive = 1 << 2,
kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByDrag = 1 << 3,
kChildrenAffectedByFirstChildRules = 1 << 4,
kChildrenAffectedByLastChildRules = 1 << 5,
kChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules = 1 << 6,
kChildrenAffectedByIndirectAdjacentRules = 1 << 7,
kChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules = 1 << 8,
kChildrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules = 1 << 9,
kAffectedByFirstChildRules = 1 << 10,
kAffectedByLastChildRules = 1 << 11,
kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocusWithin = 1 << 12,
kNumberOfDynamicRestyleFlags = 13,
kChildrenAffectedByStructuralRules =
kChildrenAffectedByFirstChildRules | kChildrenAffectedByLastChildRules |
kChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules |
kChildrenAffectedByIndirectAdjacentRules |
kChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules |
enum SubtreeModificationAction {
// This constant controls how much buffer is initially allocated
// for a Node Vector that is used to store child Nodes of a given Node.
// FIXME: Optimize the value.
const int kInitialNodeVectorSize = 11;
using NodeVector = HeapVector<Member<Node>, kInitialNodeVectorSize>;
class CORE_EXPORT ContainerNode : public Node {
~ContainerNode() override;
Node* FirstChild() const { return first_child_; }
Node* LastChild() const { return last_child_; }
bool HasChildren() const { return first_child_; }
bool HasOneChild() const {
return first_child_ && !first_child_->nextSibling();
bool HasOneTextChild() const {
return HasOneChild() && first_child_->IsTextNode();
bool HasChildCount(unsigned) const;
HTMLCollection* Children();
unsigned CountChildren() const;
Element* QuerySelector(const AtomicString& selectors,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
StaticElementList* QuerySelectorAll(const AtomicString& selectors,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Node* InsertBefore(Node* new_child,
Node* ref_child,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Node* ReplaceChild(Node* new_child,
Node* old_child,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Node* RemoveChild(Node* child, ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Node* AppendChild(Node* new_child, ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Element* getElementById(const AtomicString& id) const;
TagCollection* getElementsByTagName(const AtomicString&);
TagCollection* getElementsByTagNameNS(const AtomicString& namespace_uri,
const AtomicString& local_name);
NameNodeList* getElementsByName(const AtomicString& element_name);
ClassCollection* getElementsByClassName(const AtomicString& class_names);
RadioNodeList* GetRadioNodeList(const AtomicString&,
bool only_match_img_elements = false);
// These methods are only used during parsing.
// They don't send DOM mutation events or accept DocumentFragments.
void ParserAppendChild(Node*);
void ParserRemoveChild(Node&);
void ParserInsertBefore(Node* new_child, Node& ref_child);
void ParserTakeAllChildrenFrom(ContainerNode&);
void RemoveChildren(
SubtreeModificationAction = kDispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent);
void CloneChildNodes(ContainerNode* clone);
void AttachLayoutTree(const AttachContext& = AttachContext()) override;
void DetachLayoutTree(const AttachContext& = AttachContext()) override;
LayoutRect BoundingBox() const final;
void SetFocused(bool, WebFocusType) override;
void FocusStateChanged();
void FocusWithinStateChanged();
void SetActive(bool = true) override;
void SetDragged(bool) override;
void SetHovered(bool = true) override;
bool ChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocus() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocus);
void SetChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocus() {
bool ChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocusWithin() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocusWithin);
void SetChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByFocusWithin() {
bool ChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByHover() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByHover);
void SetChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByHover() {
bool ChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByActive() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByActive);
void SetChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByActive() {
bool ChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByDrag() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByDrag);
void SetChildrenOrSiblingsAffectedByDrag() {
bool ChildrenAffectedByFirstChildRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenAffectedByFirstChildRules);
void SetChildrenAffectedByFirstChildRules() {
bool ChildrenAffectedByLastChildRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenAffectedByLastChildRules);
void SetChildrenAffectedByLastChildRules() {
bool ChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules);
void SetChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules() {
bool ChildrenAffectedByIndirectAdjacentRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenAffectedByIndirectAdjacentRules);
void SetChildrenAffectedByIndirectAdjacentRules() {
bool ChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules);
void SetChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules() {
bool ChildrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kChildrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules);
void SetChildrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules() {
bool AffectedByFirstChildRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kAffectedByFirstChildRules);
void SetAffectedByFirstChildRules() {
bool AffectedByLastChildRules() const {
return HasRestyleFlag(kAffectedByLastChildRules);
void SetAffectedByLastChildRules() {
bool NeedsAdjacentStyleRecalc() const;
// FIXME: These methods should all be renamed to something better than
// "check", since it's not clear that they alter the style bits of siblings
// and children.
enum SiblingCheckType {
void CheckForSiblingStyleChanges(SiblingCheckType,
Element* changed_element,
Node* node_before_change,
Node* node_after_change);
void RecalcDescendantStyles(StyleRecalcChange);
void RebuildChildrenLayoutTrees(Text*& next_text_sibling);
bool ChildrenSupportStyleSharing() const { return !HasRestyleFlags(); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification of document structure changes (see core/dom/Node.h for more
// notification methods)
enum ChildrenChangeType {
enum ChildrenChangeSource {
struct ChildrenChange {
static ChildrenChange ForInsertion(Node& node,
Node* unchanged_previous,
Node* unchanged_next,
ChildrenChangeSource by_parser) {
ChildrenChange change = {
node.IsElementNode() ? kElementInserted : kNonElementInserted, &node,
unchanged_previous, unchanged_next, by_parser};
return change;
static ChildrenChange ForRemoval(Node& node,
Node* previous_sibling,
Node* next_sibling,
ChildrenChangeSource by_parser) {
ChildrenChange change = {
node.IsElementNode() ? kElementRemoved : kNonElementRemoved, &node,
previous_sibling, next_sibling, by_parser};
return change;
bool IsChildInsertion() const {
return type == kElementInserted || type == kNonElementInserted;
bool IsChildRemoval() const {
return type == kElementRemoved || type == kNonElementRemoved;
bool IsChildElementChange() const {
return type == kElementInserted || type == kElementRemoved;
ChildrenChangeType type;
Member<Node> sibling_changed;
// |siblingBeforeChange| is
// - siblingChanged.previousSibling before node removal
// - siblingChanged.previousSibling after single node insertion
// - previousSibling of the first inserted node after multiple node
// insertion
Member<Node> sibling_before_change;
// |siblingAfterChange| is
// - siblingChanged.nextSibling before node removal
// - siblingChanged.nextSibling after single node insertion
// - nextSibling of the last inserted node after multiple node insertion.
Member<Node> sibling_after_change;
ChildrenChangeSource by_parser;
// Notifies the node that it's list of children have changed (either by adding
// or removing child nodes), or a child node that is of the type
// CDATA_SECTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE or COMMENT_NODE has changed its value.
virtual void ChildrenChanged(const ChildrenChange&);
ContainerNode(TreeScope*, ConstructionType = kCreateContainer);
void InvalidateNodeListCachesInAncestors(
const QualifiedName* attr_name = nullptr,
Element* attribute_owner_element = nullptr);
void SetFirstChild(Node* child) {
first_child_ = child;
ScriptWrappableVisitor::WriteBarrier(this, first_child_);
void SetLastChild(Node* child) {
last_child_ = child;
ScriptWrappableVisitor::WriteBarrier(this, last_child_);
// Utility functions for NodeListsNodeData API.
template <typename Collection>
Collection* EnsureCachedCollection(CollectionType);
template <typename Collection>
Collection* EnsureCachedCollection(CollectionType, const AtomicString& name);
template <typename Collection>
Collection* EnsureCachedCollection(CollectionType,
const AtomicString& namespace_uri,
const AtomicString& local_name);
template <typename Collection>
Collection* CachedCollection(CollectionType);
bool IsContainerNode() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
bool IsTextNode() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
NodeListsNodeData& EnsureNodeLists();
void RemoveBetween(Node* previous_child, Node* next_child, Node& old_child);
template <typename Functor>
void InsertNodeVector(const NodeVector&, Node* next, const Functor&);
class AdoptAndInsertBefore;
class AdoptAndAppendChild;
friend class AdoptAndInsertBefore;
friend class AdoptAndAppendChild;
void InsertBeforeCommon(Node& next_child, Node& new_child);
void AppendChildCommon(Node& child);
void WillRemoveChildren();
void WillRemoveChild(Node& child);
void RemoveDetachedChildrenInContainer(ContainerNode&);
void AddChildNodesToDeletionQueue(Node*&, Node*&, ContainerNode&);
void NotifyNodeInserted(Node&,
ChildrenChangeSource = kChildrenChangeSourceAPI);
void NotifyNodeInsertedInternal(
NodeVector& post_insertion_notification_targets);
void NotifyNodeRemoved(Node&);
bool HasRestyleFlag(DynamicRestyleFlags mask) const {
return HasRareData() && HasRestyleFlagInternal(mask);
bool HasRestyleFlags() const {
return HasRareData() && HasRestyleFlagsInternal();
void SetRestyleFlag(DynamicRestyleFlags);
bool HasRestyleFlagInternal(DynamicRestyleFlags) const;
bool HasRestyleFlagsInternal() const;
bool CollectChildrenAndRemoveFromOldParentWithCheck(const Node* next,
const Node* old_child,
Node& new_child,
ExceptionState&) const;
inline bool CheckAcceptChildGuaranteedNodeTypes(const Node& new_child,
const Node* old_child,
ExceptionState&) const;
inline bool CheckAcceptChild(const Node* new_child,
const Node* old_child,
ExceptionState&) const;
inline bool CheckParserAcceptChild(const Node& new_child) const;
inline bool ContainsConsideringHostElements(const Node&) const;
inline bool IsChildTypeAllowed(const Node& child) const;
bool GetUpperLeftCorner(FloatPoint&) const;
bool GetLowerRightCorner(FloatPoint&) const;
Member<Node> first_child_;
Member<Node> last_child_;
bool ChildAttachedAllowedWhenAttachingChildren(ContainerNode*);
DEFINE_NODE_TYPE_CASTS(ContainerNode, IsContainerNode());
inline bool ContainerNode::HasChildCount(unsigned count) const {
Node* child = first_child_;
while (count && child) {
child = child->nextSibling();
return !count && !child;
inline ContainerNode::ContainerNode(TreeScope* tree_scope,
ConstructionType type)
: Node(tree_scope, type), first_child_(nullptr), last_child_(nullptr) {}
inline bool ContainerNode::NeedsAdjacentStyleRecalc() const {
if (!ChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules() &&
return false;
return ChildNeedsStyleRecalc() || ChildNeedsStyleInvalidation();
inline unsigned Node::CountChildren() const {
if (!IsContainerNode())
return 0;
return ToContainerNode(this)->CountChildren();
inline Node* Node::firstChild() const {
if (!IsContainerNode())
return nullptr;
return ToContainerNode(this)->FirstChild();
inline Node* Node::lastChild() const {
if (!IsContainerNode())
return nullptr;
return ToContainerNode(this)->LastChild();
inline ContainerNode* Node::ParentElementOrShadowRoot() const {
ContainerNode* parent = parentNode();
return parent && (parent->IsElementNode() || parent->IsShadowRoot())
? parent
: nullptr;
inline ContainerNode* Node::ParentElementOrDocumentFragment() const {
ContainerNode* parent = parentNode();
return parent && (parent->IsElementNode() || parent->IsDocumentFragment())
? parent
: nullptr;
inline bool Node::IsTreeScope() const {
return &GetTreeScope().RootNode() == this;
inline void GetChildNodes(ContainerNode& node, NodeVector& nodes) {
for (Node* child = node.FirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
} // namespace blink
#endif // ContainerNode_h