blob: ec5cc4e2ca224b03de9072cda91d92b813f22838 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.view.View;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.ResourceManager;
import java.util.List;
* A composited view that sits at the bottom of the screen and listens to changes in the browser
* controls. When visible, the view will mimic the behavior of the top browser controls when
* scrolling.
public class ScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer extends SceneOverlayLayer implements SceneOverlay {
/** Handle to the native side of this class. */
private long mNativePtr;
/** The resource ID used to reference the view bitmap in native. */
private int mResourceId;
/** The height of the view's top shadow. */
private int mTopShadowHeightPx;
/** The current Y offset of the bottom view in px. */
private int mCurrentYOffsetPx;
/** The current X offset of the bottom view in px. */
private int mCurrentXOffsetPx;
/** Whether the {@link SceneLayer}is visible. */
private boolean mIsVisible;
/** The {@link ViewResourceFrameLayout} that this scene layer represents. */
private ViewResourceFrameLayout mBottomView;
* Build a composited bottom view layer.
* @param bottomView The view used to generate the composited version.
* @param topShadowHeightPx The height of the shadow on the top of the view in px if it exists.
public ScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer(
ViewResourceFrameLayout bottomView, int topShadowHeightPx) {
mBottomView = bottomView;
mResourceId = mBottomView.getId();
mTopShadowHeightPx = topShadowHeightPx;
mIsVisible = true;
* Build a copy of an existing {@link ScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer}.
* @param sceneLayer The existing scene layer to copy. This only copies the source view,
* resource ID, and shadow height. All other state is ignored.
public ScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer(ScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer sceneLayer) {
this(sceneLayer.mBottomView, sceneLayer.mTopShadowHeightPx);
* Set the view's offset from the bottom of the screen in px. An offset of 0 means the view is
* completely visible. An increasing offset will move the view down.
* @param offsetPx The view's offset in px.
public void setYOffset(int offsetPx) {
mCurrentYOffsetPx = offsetPx;
* @param offsetPx The view's X translation in px.
public void setXOffset(int offsetPx) {
mCurrentXOffsetPx = offsetPx;
* @param visible Whether this {@link SceneLayer} is visible.
public void setIsVisible(boolean visible) {
mIsVisible = visible;
protected void initializeNative() {
if (mNativePtr == 0) {
mNativePtr = nativeInit();
assert mNativePtr != 0;
public void setContentTree(SceneLayer contentTree) {
nativeSetContentTree(mNativePtr, contentTree);
public SceneOverlayLayer getUpdatedSceneOverlayTree(RectF viewport, RectF visibleViewport,
LayerTitleCache layerTitleCache, ResourceManager resourceManager, float yOffset) {
// The composited shadow should be visible if the Android toolbar's isn't.
boolean isShadowVisible = mBottomView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE;
nativeUpdateScrollingBottomViewLayer(mNativePtr, resourceManager, mResourceId,
mTopShadowHeightPx, mCurrentXOffsetPx, viewport.height() + mCurrentYOffsetPx,
return this;
public boolean isSceneOverlayTreeShowing() {
// If the offset is greater than the toolbar's height, don't draw the layer.
return mIsVisible && mCurrentYOffsetPx < mBottomView.getHeight() - mTopShadowHeightPx;
public EventFilter getEventFilter() {
return null;
public boolean shouldHideAndroidBrowserControls() {
return false;
public boolean updateOverlay(long time, long dt) {
return false;
public boolean onBackPressed() {
return false;
public boolean handlesTabCreating() {
return false;
public void onSizeChanged(
float width, float height, float visibleViewportOffsetY, int orientation) {}
public void onHideLayout() {}
public void getVirtualViews(List<VirtualView> views) {}
public void tabTitleChanged(int tabId, String title) {}
public void tabStateInitialized() {}
public void tabModelSwitched(boolean incognito) {}
public void tabCreated(long time, boolean incognito, int id, int prevId, boolean selected) {}
private native long nativeInit();
private native void nativeSetContentTree(
long nativeScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer, SceneLayer contentTree);
private native void nativeUpdateScrollingBottomViewLayer(
long nativeScrollingBottomViewSceneLayer, ResourceManager resourceManager,
int viewResourceId, int shadowHeightPx, float xOffset, float yOffset,
boolean showShadow);